instverify [ -v ][ -n ]
The verification is done thru checking the MD5 checksum of each installed file against a reference checksum.
All files whose checksum do not match against the reference or which do not exist on the system are printed to stdout.
During setup or upgrade of the WA2L/SimpleBackup package, the instverify is also used automatically to verify the installation.
Where the interactive part is only a keypress at the end of the execution when the command is double clicked in the explorer.
When executing instverify from the console the execution is always non-interactive.
Therefore the -n option will be of minor importance in normal use.
There can be files missing or the checksum of files do not match with the reference.
Missing files can be caused thru manual deletion by the user (by error) of by "false positive" reports of Antivirus programs which remove potential virus infected files from the system.
See also section BUGS related to "false positive" problems.
Use make lsreport to view the report without uncompressing the file.
It has been experienced recently that some Antivirus programs report commands I developed by myself as being Virus/Trojan infected. Which of course is not the case.
As the WA2L/SimpleBackup package is Open Source, all commands I developed are either realised as scripts or when using a programming language that need compilation the source code is included in the package and is available in the lib/src/ directory.
I could also eliminate the speculation that the file was infected during transfer or installation, due to the fact that the checksum did not change since the compiled version on my system (which is also protected by a Antivirus program).
Even a re-compilation directly on the system reporting the thread fired immediately a virus alert, which is very illogical, especially when looking at the very simple code of one program that causes a "false positive" alert:
#include <stdio.h> #define ProgName "ebook-convert" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("%s-ERROR: Calibre '%s.exe' not found.\n",ProgName,ProgName); printf("%s-INFO: Calibre can be downloaded from ''.\n",ProgName); printf("%s-INFO: see in manual pages on how to set '..._CALIBRE_PATH=' in WA2L/WinTools configuration files.\n",ProgName); } // main
False positive reporting was observed on the following executables: lib/put.exe.
See more information about Antivirus "false positive" issues:
This is free software; see WA2LSimpleBackup/man/COPYING for copying conditions. There is ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.