Compatibility with Notepad
vi - File and Display Commands
vi - Positioning
vi - Editing Text
vi - Insert Mode
vi - Cursor Movements
ex - Commands
ex - Options
Search Dialog
Settings - Profile
Settings - File Type
Settings - Display
Settings - Edit
Settings - Files
Settings - Keyboard Macros
Settings - Shell
Settings - Colors
Settings - Fonts
Settings - Print
Settings - Language
WinVi handles files of (nearly) unlimited size without consuming lots of memory. There are a few special characteristics in order to offer maximum compatibility with Windows Notepad:
Key | Function |
^A |
Select all |
^C | Copy selected text into clipboard ("copy") |
^X | Copy selected text into clipboard and remove ("cut") |
^V | Insert text from clipboard ("paste") |
{Del} | Remove selected text or character at the current cursor position |
{Ins} | Switch between insert and replace mode |
^{Home}, ^{End} | Move cursor to first / last text line |
{Home}, {End} | Move cursor to start / end of current line |
^{<- }, ^{-> } |
Move cursor to previous / next start of word |
Arrow keys | Move cursor to adjacent character in left / right / up / down direction |
{Page ^}, {Page v} | Scroll back / forward one page of text |
, the option
for printing is /p
to preserve Notepad compatibility
(otherwise -p).
^ To table of contents
These commands are used in command mode (edit mode).
From insert, replace, and ex command mode, you enter this mode by typing
the {Esc} button.
Optional input is denoted as text in square brackets (can be left away),
curly brackets indicate special keys. Sometimes, identifiers for designated
input are set in angle brackets for highlighting. Alternative input
are separated by a bar, as in |
Command | Function | |
^L |
Refresh text display | |
^G |
Display file name, current line and total number of lines
(:={Enter} shows the current line number only) |
^^ |
Open previously edited file | |
:args{Enter} |
Show list of files to edit (argument list) | |
:n{Enter} |
Open next file in the argument list ("next") | |
:n files{Enter} |
Replace argument list by the specified files and opens the first one ("next"). Within the file list, the wildcard characters * and ? can be used. | |
:rew{Enter} |
Jump back to first file of argument list ("rewind") | |
:e [{TAB}|file]{Enter} |
Open file ("edit"); without specification of a file,
the current file is read again from disk. The {Tab} key can be used
to get a list of files ({Tab} = tabulator = {->| });
When dragging files from the Windows Explorer on a WinVi window,
these files are appended to the argument list and the first one is
opened. |
! |
With :n! , :e! , or
:q! , a warning will be suppressed noting that the
working buffer has not been saved.
Any changes will be lost and the requested file is opened immediately,
for :q!, vi is closed immediately. |
% |
In the filename part of the ex command line (after
":e ", ":w ", etc.), %
is replaced by the name of the current file, # by the
name of the file, which has been previously edited. In WinVi, the
special meaning can be bypassed by doubling this character. |
:[.]r {TAB}|file{Enter} |
Reads the text of the file ("read") and inserts it behind the current line (".") or a specified line. When specifying line 0, the text is inserted at the beginning of the working buffer. | |
:f file{Enter} |
"file" changes the current file name (saved in % ),
e. g. for :w or :e without an explicit
file name. |
:[1,$]w [>>][{TAB}|file]{Enter} |
Writes lines of the working buffer into a file ("write"). The default
line range is the entire file ($ means "the last line").
With >> , the text is appended to the file. |
:[1,$]wq [>>][{TAB}|file]{Enter} |
Same as :w , WinVi terminates after successfully writing
the file. |
:[1,$]x [>>][{TAB}|file]{Enter} |
("eXit") same as :wq , but the file will only be written if
the working buffer has changed. |
! |
Behind :w , :wq , or :x ,
any warnings about write protection or file existence are suppressed.
The file is written in any case even if the read-only attribute is set.
:q |
Close WinVi without saving ("quit") | |
ZZ |
Shortcut for :x{Enter}
- the working buffer will be written into the current file and WinVi
will be closed |
:cd [..\|{TAB}|dir]{Enter} |
Changes the current working directory (.. is the next higher directory) or shows the current directory if used without parameter. | |
:vi [{TAB}|file]{Enter} |
Opens a file in a new WinVi window. Without a parameter, an empty new window is created. | |
z[n]{Enter} |
Changes the window height to the specified number of lines
(alternative: :set lines=n{Enter}) |
:ve |
Shows the vi Version | |
^] |
Searches the word at the cursor position in the tags file and jumps to the appropriate file and position. "tags" is a text file consisting of lines each describing the definition of a word. Three tab-separated fields contain name, filename, and an ex command to locate the identifier within the file. | |
^T |
Jumps to the previous position in the tags stack. |
^ To table of contents
Command | Function |
[n]^E |
Scroll up the display by one line (n lines). The cursor remains in the current display line as long as scrolling can be performed. |
[n]^Y |
Scroll down the display by one line (n lines). The cursor remains in the current display line as long as scrolling can be performed. |
[n]^D |
Scroll up the display by half a window (n times). The cursor keeps its screen position. |
[n]^U |
Scroll down the display by half a window (n times). The cursor keeps its screen position. |
[n]^F |
Scroll up the display by a full window (n times / "forward"). The cursor keeps its screen position. |
[n]^B |
Scroll down the display by a full window (n times / "back"). The cursor keeps its screen position. |
z[n]{Enter} |
Move the current line and the cursor to the top. The window size can be set to n lines. |
z[n]. |
Move the current line and the cursor to the center of the window. The window size can be set to n lines. |
z[n]- |
Move the current line and the cursor to the bottom. The window size can be set to n lines. |
^ To table of contents
Command | Function |
[n]i[text]{ESC} |
text is inserted before the cursor position (n times)
("Insert mode" after
i I a A s S ) |
[n]I[text]{ESC} |
text is inserted at the start of the current line (n times) |
[n]a[text]{ESC} |
text is inserted behind the cursor position (n times) |
[n]A[text]{ESC} |
text is inserted at the end if the current line (n times) |
[n]x |
delete character at the cursor position on the current line (or n characters from the cursor position) |
[n]X |
delete (n) character(s) left of the current cursor position |
[n]J |
join n lines (default n = 2). A space is inserted at each former newline position if the preceding character is not one of ( { [ space or tab and the following character (after indenting tabs and spaces) is not ) } ] . , ; or : |
["{x}][n]d<move> |
delete text up to the end of the (n-th) cursor
movement <move> (and save it in the named
buffer "x ), if used with <move>
w , W ("delete word") or `{x}
the deleted text ends before the cursor movement; additionally, the
previously deleted text is available in the unnamed buffer and can be
inserted simply with P or p . |
["{x}][n]D |
corresponds to d$ (delete to the end of line) |
["{x}][n]dd |
delete entire line(s). This is also put into the named buffer
"1 , the old contents of buffer "1 are moved
into buffer "2 etc. up to "9 ). If specified,
the deleted text is also saved in the named buffer "x
(see also copy text) |
[n]r{x} |
replace one (or n) character(s) in the current line by the character "x", starting at the cursor position. If count exceeds the number of remaining characters on the line, further characters are appended. |
[n]R[text]{ESC} |
replace (n times) the text in the current line at the cursor position by "text" (replace mode) |
[n]~ |
change case (n times) within the current line starting at the cursor position. When used for non-ASCII characters, the result depends on the current character set. |
[n]c<move>[text]{ESC} |
change text up to the end of the (n-th) cursor
movement <move> to "text"; the specification of
w or W is treated as ce
or cE if the cursor is not positioned on a white space.
[n]C[text]{ESC} |
corresponds to c$ (change to the end of the line) |
[n]!<move><cmd>{Enter} |
the text up to the end of the (n-th) cursor movement
<move> is replaced by the output of the external
command <cmd> , the selected text is sent as
standard input to the started program <cmd>
(e. g. sort or grep) |
[n]s[text]{ESC} |
replace (n) character(s) within the current line by "text"
("substitute"); corresponds to cl |
[n]S[text]{ESC} |
replace line(n) by "text" |
[n]> <move> |
indent line(s) up to the cursor movement,
all lines in between are indented by the number of spaces specified in
shiftwidth= (default 4 spaces), if the resulting number of
spaces reach the value of tabstop= setting, the spaces
are replaces by the appropriate number of tabs. |
[n]>> |
line(s) are indented. |
[n]< <move> |
(n) line(s) up to the cursor movement <move> are
unindented (by up to shiftwidth= spaces). |
[n]<< |
unindent line(s). |
Copy and Paste | |
["{x}][n]y<move> |
copy ("yank") the text up to the end of the (n-th)
cursor movement <move>
(into the named buffer "x ). "x can be any
letter, if uppercase letters are used (e.g. "Xy$ ), the
text is appended to the previous contents of the buffer (also with
d D ).
As with d and c , y`{x} yanks
up to the position before the mark. |
["{x}][n]Y |
save entire line(s) |
["{x}][n]yy |
corresponds to Y |
["{x}][n]p |
insert ("put") saved text (from buffer "x ) behind the
position (n times), entire lines are inserted behind the next
line end. |
["{x}][n]P |
insert text before the cursor or before the current line. |
Undo and Repetitions | |
u |
undo last change |
[n]. |
repeat last changing operation (with new repeat factor or line number
n ); WinVi can undo several changes by repeating
u with ". ".
When typing u again, the last undo is reverted, i.e.
the original change is done again ignoring any number specification
before u . |
"{m}[n]p |
insert the text of the m-th previous deletion or yanking of entire lines
(n times) after the current line (P - before the current
line). |
& |
repeat the last substitute command
(:s - see ex commands) |
^ To table of contents
^H or {Bksp} |
delete last typed character (within the current line only) |
^W |
delete last typed word |
^D |
unindent the current line by shiftwidth=
character positions |
0^D |
unindent current line as far as possible |
^T |
indent current line by shiftwidth=
character positions |
{Esc} |
exit insert mode, continue in
command mode |
^ To table of contents
[n]k or {Up} or ^P |
(n lines) up |
[n]h or {<- } |
(n characters) to the left |
[n]l or {-> } or
{Space} |
(n characters) to the right |
[n]j or {Down} or ^N |
(n lines) down |
[n]- |
position to the first printable character (i.e. the first non-space
character) of the preceding (n-th) line |
[n]+ or {Enter} |
position to the first printable character of the (n-th) following
line |
0 |
(zero) start of line |
[n]^ |
first printable character behind the (n-th) preceding start of line |
first (n-th) character column |
(n-th) following end of line |
[n]G |
last (n-th) line of file, first printable character |
`` |
jump back to the position before the previous jump with absolute
address |
'' |
jump back to the start of the line of the previous absolute jump |
[n]H |
top (n-th) screen line, first printable character |
M |
center screen line, first printable character |
[n]L |
bottom (n-th) screen line, first printable character |
Searching Specific Characters | |
skip to the (n-th) following occurrence of character "x" on the current line ("find") |
skip to the preceding (n-th) occurrence of character "x" on the current line |
position before the (n-th) following occurrence of "x" on the current line ('till x) |
position behind the (n-th) preceding occurrence of "x" on the current line |
repeat the previous f F t T positioning (n times)
[n], |
repeat the previous f F t T positioning (n times), but in
opposite direction
% |
search for the opposite brace, parenthesis, or square bracket { ( [ ] ) } |
Position Markers | |
mark the current position with letter "x" |
jump to marked position "x" |
jump to the first printable character of the line containing mark "x" |
jump back to the previous jump position (before entering
`x , 'x, |
jump to the first printable character of the line of the previous jump position |
Search for Character Strings | |
search for the (n-th) following occurrence of a character string,
matching <expr> ("RE" - "regular expression").
If <expr> is left empty, the previously
specified expression is used again.
search for the (n-th) preceding occurrence |
search for the (n-th) occurrence of the previously searched expression ("next") in the original direction |
search for the (n-th) occurrence of the previously searched expression in the opposite original direction |
jump back to the position where the last search started |
jump back to the first printable character of the line where the last search started |
Elements for Regular Expressions | |
start of line |
end of line |
match any character except end-of-line characters (CR-LF, CR, LF, RS, NUL) |
"quotes" the following character (disables or enables the special
meaning of it). The affected characters are
^ $ . * [ ] \ and / ? for search operations.
start of word (see word boundaries) |
end of word |
a character of the list |
a character not being part of the list |
a character within the range from "x" to "y" (Example:
[0-9A-Za-z_] )
defines a sequence of any length of the preceding character
(e. g. ".* "=any sequence of any non-newline
characters including the empty string)
\(expr[\|expr]\) |
(search for one of the alternative expressions), select
the matched string for reference in substitution strings in
\x |
WinVi-specific: match the letter x exactly as typed disregarding the
current ignorecase setting
(see ex - Options)
\%hh |
WinVi-specific: the character with the specified hexadecimal encoding
<hh> (also matches end-of-line characters)
^ To table of contents
In WinVi, a list of available ex commands can be requested by typing the tab key after the initial colon. Generally, the tab key can be used to automatically complete the current argument on the ex command line. This is especially useful for expanding file names.
File commands have been discussed earlier and will not repeated here.
Command | Function | |
Substitution - replace (between lines m and n, default is current
line) the first (or all if g is specified - "global")
<expr> matching string by
<rep> (empty string if not specified).
Instead of "/ ", any other special character can be
used as separator.c requests a confirmation before each substitution.
:[.[,.]]s [g][c]{Enter}
Repeat the last substitution with the previous values for
<expr> and <rep>
Line numbers: | .
current line |
+|- [n] |
each specified line number can be incremented or decremented by
appending +|- [n] , if n is missing,
an increment/decrement value of 1 is assumed
n-th line | |
last line of file (use shortcut % for 1,$ )
line containing marker "x" | |
next line matching <expr> starting the search
at the following line
next preceding line matching <expr> starting
the search at the preceding line
<rep> (replacement string):
& | the string matched with <expl>
the string matching the n-th with
\( \) surrounded search pattern
(number between 1 and 9)
Control codes: |
^V |
disables the special behaviour of the following control key and
prompts the hexadecimal special notation in the ex command line.
Example for the replacement of all Unix end-of-lines by Windows line
ends in WinVi:
When typing :%s/^.*{^V}{^J}/&{^V}{^M}{^V}{^J}/{Enter} ,
the command :%s/^.*\%0a/&\%0d\%0a/ is executed.
delete the specified line(s) (corresponds to dd )
place the cursor on the first printable character of the specified line |
^ To table of contents
Boolean values are changed with the command
:set <option>{Enter}
for activating and
:set no<option>{Enter}
for deactivating the
specified flag, other options (denoted with =
expect numerical or string values. Many options can be abbreviated.
In WinVi, a list of available options is displayed when typing
{Space}{Tab} .
display of all options and its current settings. In WinVi, the Settings dialog is opened. | ||
0 | automatic indenting as in the preceding line, after O
(Open) as in the following line
0 | automatic save of changes in the current file when opening another
file |
1 | ignore upper or lower case when searching (also applies to
national special characters like accented vowels) |
1 | special handling of . * ? [ ] when
searching (if nomagic is set, the special meaning is
activated by a preceding \ )
0 | display of tab characters as ^I
and unconditional display of end-of-line codes
0 | display of line numbers |
0 | display a warning when trying to save the current file |
0 | when inserting a closing parenthesis, brace or square bracket,
the corresponding opening parenthesis is highlighted for one second,
when positioning the cursor in command mode on any parenthesis, brace or square bracket, the corresponding one is highlighted for one second. |
0 | some status messages are displayed in short form | |
0 | prevents changing the current buffer (in WinVi only) |
1 | searching wraps around end/start of file |
1 | WinVi-specific: treating the current file as ANSI text |
0 | WinVi-specific: treating the current file as DOS text with OEM character set |
0 | WinVi-specific: display in hexadecimal mode |
set width of window to specified number of characters | |
set the window height to the specified number of lines | ||
0 | maximum number of line scroll operations used for positioning, the value 0 is replaced by the number of visible lines - 2 | |
4 | number of space positions inserted or deleted when
indenting/unindenting with > < ^T ^D
at the start of a line
8 | number of character positions used for displaying a tab |
list of file names used for the :tag command
directory used for temporary files (default: system TEMP folder) | ||
name of the Windows NLS resource used for display and input in the corresponding mode (default is depending on the Windows system or the regional settings), see also Character Tables in section Settings - File Type | ||
see above |
^ To table of contents
This dialog appears when typing {Alt+F3} or when choosing the corresponding toolbar button or menu entry. The search dialog contains the following fields:
) still matches an entire byte, not just a hexadecimal digit.
option but can
be changed to override this option.\<
and \>
option but can
be changed to override this option.^ To table of contents
The contents of the tab sheets is described in the following sections. Outside of the tab sheets, there is a Profile selection dropdown box at the upper border of the dialog for file specific settings. When selecting a different profile, all settings are changed as previously saved for that profile. Creating and automatic selection of profiles is described in the next chapter. At the bottom of the dialog, there are selection controls for permanently saving the current settings and the usual buttons for Apply, OK and Cancel.
Profiles can be set up if different settings should be applied to files with
different extensions or paths.
The settings of a particular profile are automatically loaded when a file
with a corresponding path or extension is opened or when the path or name of
the current file changes and relates to a different profile afterwards.
File name comparison is case insensitive.
For yet unnamed files or files without a full path, the current working folder
is used to select an appropriate profile.
If several profiles can be found for the current file, the best matching profile
will be used. This search determines the first profile out of the following
with empty path and extension
fields, otherwise"(default)"
profile is available. When selecting another
profile, the relating settings are loaded immediately.
"Create new profile..."
in the profile
tab sheet of the settings dialog and"OK"
"Permanent setting as default for this dialog
specifies if the bottom "Permanent setting"
option is activated by default. This can also be set for the Default
"Permanent setting"
and clicking the
button.^ To table of contents
This dialog affects the procedure for opening a file. These options do not change the current operating mode.
-> Hex edit mode
in the main window.[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\Codepage]
the installed resources are listed, which can be used for the code page
settings. If necessary, the needed files can be extracted from the CAB
files of the system installation CD, copied into the system folder and
entered into the registry.^ To table of contents
In this dialog, the visual appearance can be modified.
":set [no]showmatch"
.":set [no]terse"
.":set [no]number"
.":set tabstop=N"
.":set scroll=N"
.^ To table of contents
In this dialog, you can change settings for editing.
delete two lines, the result is
the same as with 2dd
If this option is deactivated, the command dj
just removes
the text between the current cursor position and the same column in the next
line, while 2dd
still removes two entire lines.
. So, this flag does not
provide real protection against overwriting a file.
This value can also be set with the command
":set readonly"
and >>
.":set wrapscan"
.":set ignorecase"
is switched off, search patterns (regular expressions)
handle the characters .
, *
, [
and ?
literally. Use the \ character to enable
the special meaning for regular expression search.
With enabled magic option, these characters have the meaning as described
in table Regular Expressions.
The characters ^
and $
always have a special
meaning, this is independent from the magic setting.^ To table of contents
This dialog offers file specific settings.
.":e \\{Tab}"
by specifying the main host groups in this list
which is always easily accessible. The default value
is *
which expands to all domains and workgroups where
a particular host names should be searched in.
The entries in this list can be separated by comma or semicolon.
The wildcard characters *
and ?
can be used to
filter part of domain/workgroup names.^ To table of contents
In this dialog you can change the keyboard settings.
^ To table of contents
In this dialog you can change the settings for external shell commands.
for Windows 95,
Windows 98 and Windows Me, maybe preceded with the path.
For Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP, the command interpreter is
. %0
is used
for command interpreter described above. %1
is replaced by
the actual shell command to execute. The standard value is
%0 /c %1
. When using another shell (e. g. Cygwin bash), this
field should be adjusted accordingly, e. g. %0 -c "%1"
. file://
, external HTTP-URLs are beginning
with http://
. Any occurrences
or %LANG
are replaced by the
path of WinVi or the current language used respectively. A trailing #
delimits the anchor name reference within the file, which is automatically
appended by WinVi.^ To table of contents
In this dialog you can change the colors used for the text presentation in the main window.
(see vi - Editing Text).^ To table of contents
In this dialog you can choose the fonts used for text display in the main window area.
^ To table of contents
This dialog contains all settings for printing.
&n | This is replaced by the name of the current file. |
&p | The serial number of the current printing page is inserted here. |
&& | Two ampersands are printed as one literal ampersand in the header or footer line. |
^ To table of contents
Select the language used for menus, dialog boxes, and other messages in the
status bar.
The 32-bit version of WinVi sometimes shows messages provided by the system.
These messages are not translated.
^ To table of contents